

The Directors of Scope analyse Commercial and Industrial Real Estate assets and review the assets in accordance with our stringent predetermined investment criteria, in order to identify suitable investments to include in our portfolio.  Our systematic formal acquisition and syndication process is designed to ensure that our investors receive the best possible returns on their investment.

Syndicate Management:

Scope directly manages all syndicates within its portfolio drawing on the skills and the chartered accounting backgrounds of its executive directors.

Property Management:

Scope, through its related entity Scope Property Management Pty Ltd, directly undertakes all aspects of Property Management for every asset in its portfolio.  Scope Property Management Pty Ltd, are licensed real estate agents, Triennial Certificate no. 60743.

The Directors of Scope maintain the view that there are distinct advantages in a related party directly managing its Commercial Property assets with these benefits flowing directly on to our investors.

Project Managment

Scope takes a proactive view of capital works on assets within its portfolio and undertakes the project management of all associated capital works.