
Scope is licenced through ASIC to raise wholesale equity funds, which limits the investors that can participate in our property syndicates.

Wholesale clients are defined under section 761G in the Corporations Act and section 761G(7) includes Sophisticated Investors within the definition of wholesale clients.

Our offerings are only available to Sophisticated Investors as defined under section 708(8) or "Experienced Investors" described under 708(10)of the Corporations Act.

There are two ways of meeting the definition of a Sophisticated Investor which are described below.

  1. The investor’s accountant to declare the investor has net assets of at least $2.5 million or an annual income of least $250,000 per annum for the last two financial years; or
  2. The minimum amount payable for the units on acceptance of the offer by the investor to whom the offer is made is at least $500,000.

To meet the definition of an Experienced Investor the following criteria must be achieved:

The offer is made through a financial services licensee; and
a) A financial services licencee is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the person to whom the offer is made has previous experience in investing in securities that allows them to assess:
(i) the merits of the offer; and
(ii) the value of the securities; and
(iii) the risks involved in accepting the offer; and
(iv) their own information needs; and
(v) the adequacy of the information given by the person making the offer; and
b) the licensee gives the person before, or at the time when, the offer is made a written statement of the licensee's reasons for being satisfied as to those matters; and the person to whom the offer is made signs a written acknowledgment before, or at the time when, the offer is made that the licensee has not given the person a disclosure document under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act 2001in relation to the offer.

Please download the Qualified Accountants Certificate and contact your accountant to assess whether you qualify as a sophisticated investor. There are significant advantages for you by qualifying as a sophisticated investor.